My projects

These projects and articles are hobbies I spend (or have spent) my free time on. You can also look at this page to see the presentations I have given at FORTH2020 meetings.

  • AlexFORTH for 6502: My own freely influenced FORTH implementation for my 6502 breadboard computer. You can also run it in py65 emulation. Watch the presentation I gave about it for FORTH2020 group. You can also try it online here. I also made a version for the Cerberus2080.

  • AlexFORTH for 6809: I’m documenting all the major steps of how to build your own FORTH , and how FORTH internal mechanics works, while slowly porting AlexFORTH to the 6809 CPU, running for now on my own Emu6809 emulator.

  • Emu6809: A Motorola 6809 emulator written in Forth.

  • Emu6502: A 65C02 emulator written in Forth. At the moment, it perfectly loads and runs both AlexMon and AlexForth roms, both written in 65C02 assembly.

  • Cerberus2080: My work on the Cerberus2080 computer, which includes: a version of my 6502 FORTH, several additions to the BIOS, a serial programmer script, and an Emulator (for the 6502 cpu).

  • My 6502 computer on a breadboard: Building a homebrew single board computer powered by a WDC 65C02s CPU at 1.8MHz, with 16KB of SRAM, 32K of ROM, a 65c22 VIA interface, a 6551 ACIA serial interface and an 20x4 LCD screen. It has a small ROM monitor (AlexMon) and also runs my own Forth implementation (AlexForth).

  • Breadboard EEPROM Programmer: an EEPROM Programmer on a breadboard using a Sparkfun Arduino Pro Micro, for AT28C256 32Kx8 EEPROMs, with a Python CLI.

  • Mega6502, a breadboard project about driving a 6502 hardcode processor with an Arduino Mega acting as clock, rom and ram, with a homemade python disassembler that decode the running instructions on the fly.

  • Interactive AI with Huskylens: Play and understand how AI Classification works with a DFRobot Huskylens AI camera. Use the 4 buttons to interactively (and iteratively) train the model among 4 possible classes.

  • AD6502, a project with a Verilog 6502 softcore, a QT GUI, ram/rom and GPIO, in the icezum Alhambra FPGA

  • ADTools extension for MakeCode. The extension offers new blocks to pack/unpack several numbers into/from a string, useful to send/receive multiple sensors reading in one radio message.

  • #HRMCPU Human Resource Machine CPU: inspired from the HRM game, I have designed a full CPU from scratch, that behaves like the game.
    • CPU design is written in Verilog HDL, the assembler is written in Python. Project is tested in Travis CI.
    • The CPU is synthesizable in FPGA, like the icezum Alhambra, or the ice40hx1k/8k.
    • A GUI developped in QT allows to run the code in the CPU step by step, and introspect every aspect of the CPU (registers,…)

  • FPGA, Font, FIFO & VGA: project about playing with a font, VGA and FPGA, shows the content of a couple of FIFO on the screen. The project is meant to be integrated one day into HRMCPU to show the state of the inbox/outbox on a VGA screen. Using Yaml, Mustache and python to automatically generate the VGA modules in Verilog from templates and configuration.

  • tplink-cloud-api: A npm module to control the TP-Link HS100 (and alike) smart switch, smart bulbs,… using TP-Link unpublish cloud API (reversed engineer). Written in node.js/NPM.

  • 4 wheels robot

  • simyo_mqtt: Pull your Simyo consumption data and publish them to an MQTT broker in Heroku

  • tm1638-mqtt: Interface a TM1638 Leds&Keys device (8 leds, 8 7segments display and 8 buttons) with MQTT using this bridge, written in C++.