These projects and articles are hobbies I spend (or have spent) my free time on. You can also look at this page to see the presentations I have given at FORTH2020 meetings.
- AlexFORTH for 6502: My own freely influenced FORTH implementation for my 6502 breadboard computer. You can also run it in py65 emulation. Watch the presentation I gave about it for FORTH2020 group. You can also try it online here. I also made a version for the Cerberus2080.
AlexFORTH for 6809: I’m documenting all the major steps of how to build your own FORTH , and how FORTH internal mechanics works, while slowly porting AlexFORTH to the 6809 CPU, running for now on my own Emu6809 emulator.
Emu6809: A Motorola 6809 emulator written in Forth.
Emu6502: A 65C02 emulator written in Forth. At the moment, it perfectly loads and runs both AlexMon and AlexForth roms, both written in 65C02 assembly.
Cerberus2080: My work on the Cerberus2080 computer, which includes: a version of my 6502 FORTH, several additions to the BIOS, a serial programmer script, and an Emulator (for the 6502 cpu).
My 6502 computer on a breadboard: Building a homebrew single board computer powered by a WDC 65C02s CPU at 1.8MHz, with 16KB of SRAM, 32K of ROM, a 65c22 VIA interface, a 6551 ACIA serial interface and an 20x4 LCD screen. It has a small ROM monitor (AlexMon) and also runs my own Forth implementation (AlexForth).
- Breadboard EEPROM Programmer: an EEPROM Programmer on a breadboard using a Sparkfun Arduino Pro Micro, for AT28C256 32Kx8 EEPROMs, with a Python CLI.
- Mega6502, a breadboard project about driving a 6502 hardcode processor with an Arduino Mega acting as clock, rom and ram, with a homemade python disassembler that decode the running instructions on the fly.
- Interactive AI with Huskylens: Play and understand how AI Classification works with a DFRobot Huskylens AI camera. Use the 4 buttons to interactively (and iteratively) train the model among 4 possible classes.
- AD6502, a project with a Verilog 6502 softcore, a QT GUI, ram/rom and GPIO, in the icezum Alhambra FPGA
- ADTools extension for MakeCode. The extension offers new blocks to pack/unpack several numbers into/from a string, useful to send/receive multiple sensors reading in one radio message.
- #HRMCPU Human Resource Machine CPU: inspired from the HRM game, I have designed a full CPU from scratch, that behaves like the game.
- CPU design is written in Verilog HDL, the assembler is written in Python. Project is tested in Travis CI.
- The CPU is synthesizable in FPGA, like the icezum Alhambra, or the ice40hx1k/8k.
- A GUI developped in QT allows to run the code in the CPU step by step, and introspect every aspect of the CPU (registers,…)
- FPGA, Font, FIFO & VGA: project about playing with a font, VGA and FPGA, shows the content of a couple of FIFO on the screen. The project is meant to be integrated one day into HRMCPU to show the state of the inbox/outbox on a VGA screen. Using Yaml, Mustache and python to automatically generate the VGA modules in Verilog from templates and configuration.
adumont/jetson-nano: Tools and scripts to setup several things on the Nvidia Jetson Nano Dev board (, OpenCV, TensorFlow,…). Includes prebuilt python whl files for faster install (no need to rebuild wheels).
CellularAutomaton: several implementations of Cellular Automaton, in Logisim, IceStudio, and Verilog, synthesizable in the icezum Alhambra FPGA. Displays on leds, or VGA screen. See this Twitter Moment: FPGA Project 2 - Cellular Automaton to VGA / Twitter. I also wrote a couple of articles on Cellular Automatons.
tplink-cloud-api: A npm module to control the TP-Link HS100 (and alike) smart switch, smart bulbs,… using TP-Link unpublish cloud API (reversed engineer). Written in node.js/NPM.
4 wheels robot
simyo_mqtt: Pull your Simyo consumption data and publish them to an MQTT broker in Heroku
tm1638-mqtt: Interface a TM1638 Leds&Keys device (8 leds, 8 7segments display and 8 buttons) with MQTT using this bridge, written in C++.