Sewing Machines

I currently have the following antique and vintage sewing machines:

  • 1954 Singer Featherweight 222K, with case, some attachements, instruction manual, 2 case keys
  • Winselmann Saxonia, made in Altenburg, Saxony c. 1890, Hand-crank fiddle-base transverse shuttle, with bentwood case + key
  • 1927 Singer 15K30, Sphinx decals, with treadle, original paper work, instructions manual and bentwood case + key
  • Singer 20, made in USA c. 1922-26, with box and instruction manual (rev. 1923), with color spanish cover
  • 1901 Singer 15K30, Sphinx decals, with treadle (yet to be restored to working condition)
  • 1926 Singer 15K30, Sphinx decals (only the head)

The Singer 15 is a full-size machine, while the Winselmann Saxonia and the Singer Featherweight 222K are half-size machines. The Singer 20 is even smaller.

I also have the following attachements and accessories:

  • Original Felin Zick-Zack Nähfuß, c. 1920-1930, with box and instructions leaflet
  • Singer swissmade Automatic Zigzagger (160990), case, instruction manual, 5 cams
  • Singer swissmade Automatic Zigzagger (160991), with shell, case, instruction manual, 10 cams
  • Embroidery Hoop for class 222K machines, boxed
  • Small Singer Oil Can
  • Tall Singer Oil Can
  • Singer tin can oiler (36569) with spout and thumb pump
  • Original Motor Lubricant tube

Finally, I have these books, related to Singer and sewing:

  • Singer sewing book, by Mary Brooks Picken (1949), Singer Sewing Machine Company
  • Instrucciones para bordar con la maquina Singer para cocer, 1914. (spanish edition of Singer instructions for art embroidery and lace work)
  • Lista de piezas de las maquinas Singer 18 (Singer 18 part list, spanish edition), 1927

Singer Featherweight 222K

I have this pristine Singer Featherweight 222K, made in 1954 in Scotland, with:

  • the case in perfect condition with 2 keys
  • singer #198997 Bakelite 0.3A foot controller (Style D1) with a 0.25A 220V motor
  • some (most) attachements
  • the instruction manual (in swedish)
  • two original Singer 2020 (15x1) 3 size 14 needle packs, with 3 needles each.

Winselmann “Saxonia”

Winselmann “Saxonia”, Made in Saxony c. 1890

Singer 20

Singer 20-1, made in USA, c. 1922-26

Singer 15

I have three Singer 15K30, all made in Kilbowie factory in scotland. They were manufactured in 1091, 1926 and 1927.